So, firstly, I want to apologise for the lack of reviews - and just posts in general, I guess. I have been reading a lot lately, but I just haven't really wanted to make blog posts, and every time I've tried to write a decent book review I've been stuck for words, and I don't really like just writing 'it was great, the characters were nicely developed and the plot was strong' if I can help it. I've actually been meaning to turn a few booktube tags into blog posts, but haven't really gotten round to it. Maybe I'll do some in the holidays and queue them or something. Or maybe not...
But anyway, back on topic.
My local library has recently announced that it's going to be closing until May - that's right, May 2014 - to have it's lights refitted (or something like that). Normally, this wouldn't be a problem for me, but I've started using my library more since I started college, so I was a little disappointed at the news. Luckily, the amount of books you can take out at once has been increased by almost 10. For the next couple of months, you're allowed to have 36 books out at once which is kind of amazing.
Obviously, I took advantage of this and grab a whole bunch of books (though not quite as many as some of you may be expecting) to read over the coming months, with the hopes that I'll find some more authors to read and just to, y'know, read new stuff.
Now without further ado, I bring you the books:

I've actually already read Hawkeye: My Life as a Weapon, The Avengers, Clockwork Prince and The Talisman and now I'm on Scarlet.
I can't promise any review posts soon because I'm just not in a reviewing mood these days, but I will say keep your eyes open, as there could be another book haul post on its way.
I can't promise any review posts soon because I'm just not in a reviewing mood these days, but I will say keep your eyes open, as there could be another book haul post on its way.
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