TBR Feature #36

Wednesday 11 January 2017

TBR Feature is the chance for me to, every Wednesday, pick one of my unread books and discuss it: why I picked it up, when I'll get round to reading it, if I'm still interested in it at all etc.

The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

This has to be one of the most popular and talked about series in the online book and blogging community. It seems that everyone and their mother has read it and is eagerly awaiting the next installment, or lamenting the cover change. Everyone, that is, except me.

I found this at The Works for an absolute bargain - £2 rather than £13 for a hardback? Don't mind if I do! - so snatched it up, and I haven't looked at it since. Mostly because it's the first in a series and part of me wants to get the second book before I read this, just in case I like it and can't want to continue. But a bigger part of me is hesitant to do this, as what if I don't like it? I'll have wasted my money on a book I'll probably never read and it'll just take up space on my shelf because I'm loath to get rid of things.

I'm almost totally positive I'll end up liking this - it's a blend of fantasy, supernatural, and dystopia, has glowing reviews, and a synopsis that sounds gripping and action packed. It's not a particularly long book, so I should (hopefully) fly through it when I do finally pick it up... It's just when I pick it up.

Have you read The Bone Season?


  1. I definitely agree that this is talked about a lot! I haven't gotten around to reading it yet, so I'm curious to see what you think!

    1. I just hope I like it! It's really a toss up with over-hyped books for me, but I feel good about this one :)

  2. YAY! I found my copy of the Bone Season at a second hand store, read it, and absolutely loved it! Hope the same happens for you too - I know I devoured The Mime Order, and I'm just anticipating The Song Rising's release now!

    1. I'm so glad to hear that! I'll hopefully get to this some time in the year and then if I do like it I'll have 2 more books to read :D


Got a thought or an opinion? I'd love to hear it.

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