Do I Own Too Many Books?

Friday, 27 May 2016

This is a question I ask myself a lot. I still can't decide on an answer and so I continue to buy more.

On one hand: you can never have too many books. They'll always be there waiting for you to pick them up and you can go back to them whenever you feel like it. On the other, I still have yet to read about a third of my collection. The other day I reorganised some of my shelves. It's something I've been wanting to do for a few months, but I have no idea how I want things to be ordered. In clearing off a few of my shelves, I learnt that I have around 110 unread books and graphic novels.

Now, I've definitely read a lot more than that (over 500 books, according to Goodreads) and I own considerably more that I have actually read, but is that too many? Do I really need to collect all of these books - especially when I could be buying electronic versions rather than physical copies? I'm not sure. 

I'm not one for a minimalist lifestyle. I like owning things and you could argue that I'm either materialistic or a hoarder. It's difficult for me to get rid of books, even if I didn't particularly enjoy them, because I like seeing my shelf full and what if I suddenly decide I need a certain book or want to re-read it?

A lot of people would argue that, yes, I do own too many books and that my collection is weird and obsessive. I don't see it that way. It's no different to owning a lot of films, or having a large makeup or nail polish collection, or any other hobby. Reading is something that I've always enjoyed and I'm sure that - while my tastes my change - my love for it will never fade. I'm going to continue to build up my collection, culling it every now and then when I lose interest in certain things, because too much is never a bad thing. In some cases. anyway.

How many books do you own? Do you think it's excessive?


  1. I don't think I have too many books because I'm limited in bookshelf space so I need to keep the numbers low. I've also gotten really into the library so I don't often buy books anymore.

    1. I too am limited by shelf space, but I still have some left so I can continue to buy more haha. I haven't used my library in ages - partly because I need to renew my card and partly because I wanted to get through all of the books I own. But I can't resist buying more...

  2. There's no such thing as owning too many books! I think I own around 150 books (maybe more), and I'm so proud of my collection. Granted, I do have very big shelves and quite a big bedroom to put my books in, so I won't be running out of room. My mum often says "you have way too many books" but I could never agree, haha. Great discussion topic!

    Denise | The Bibliolater

    1. If you have the space and means to collect books then I say go for it! I don't see how it differs from people who collect coins and stamps etc. I'm lucky in that my mum is also a big reader and has her own collection - that no longer fits on her bookcases!

  3. Too many books...

    Too many. Books...

    Too. Many. Books...

    Too many books...

    Nope. Still not making sense to me ;)

    1. It's definitely a foreign concept to me haha :P

  4. I own 110 books, and I think that is a lot even though in reality it isn't. I don't think there is such thing as too many books though. It's your money and as long as it doesn't put you in debt, I believe you should be able to use it however you so please.

    1. I think anything in triple digits is a lot to be honest! But if it's something you're passionate about and it isn't hurting anyone then why not treat yourself? But I agree with you - being sensible with your money has to come first.

  5. I don't think that you can own too many books! I get so annoyed when people shame others for the amount of books they have because I don't understand why someone else should be involved in what another person does with their money. I'm so glad that you posted this and showed another side! I'm planning on doing a post similar to this soon!

    1. Thankfully I've never been made to feel ashamed by my collection, just annoyed at the people (manly those who don't read) who say I have too many. I see reading and buying books as one of the least harmful ways of spending money: it supports publishers and bookstores and can help you learn new things.

  6. I don't think you can own too many books, especially when they make you so happy! Also re: the ebooks vs physical copy dilemma, yes, it's cheaper to buy ebooks but they offer nowhere near the satisfaction than an actual book sitting on your shelf/floor/bedside table. You can't lend ebooks, which is another big thing for me.

    It's hard for me to say how many books I own, because my books are dotted around all over the globe; some are kept at my mum's house, some are in storage at my nan's house, I have my own shelf in my boyfriend's house, and then with my in Germany I have a few too. Then there's all the Kindle books I have. It's frustrating not having them all in one place, especially because this sometimes leads to me buying multiple copies of a book so I can continue reading it or whatever.

    1. I only get ebooks if they're free or if I'm not a fan of the series (for example, I read Allegiant as an ebook because I didn't want it on my shelves and had given away Divergent and Insurgent).

      Ahh, that's a shame! I imagine transporting a lot of books - especially overseas - would be rather a hassle and would take up too much room in your luggage. Have you thought about making lists of what's where when you're at your mum's/nan's/boyfriend's? Would probably take a while but then you'd be able to refer back.


Got a thought or an opinion? I'd love to hear it.

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