Book Talk: Resolutions

Friday, 29 January 2016

I know I'm rather behind schedule with this post, seeing as it's almost February, but better late than never, right?

I'm not one to celebrate the new year. I don't watch the fireworks, I don't drink champagne, and I don't set new year's resolutions. However, as I looked back at my reading and blogging habits over the year, I did come across a few things I'd like to change.

Re-read more

For years I've been saying 'I want to read that again' as I look at my favourite books, but I never get around to doing so. This year (with several series I need to continue) I'd like to re-read a lot more, if only to refresh my memory of events in previous books.  

Write more discussion posts

This has been in the back of my mind for a while now, but I find discussions posts the most difficult to write, even when I'm at my most inspired regarding my blog. I have an outline of what I want to say but when it comes to typing it up the words flee my mind and I'm left rambling and repeating myself. The way to resolve this, I know, is to just practice writing more until they become second nature to me. I just need the impetus to do so.

Review more often

I want to review at least one book a month. I'm aiming for more, obviously, but if I set myself a lower target then I'm less likely to see reviewing as a chore. By the end of 2016 I want to have written at least twelve reviews, even if they all end up being from one month.

Buy fewer books

Probably the most important goal and if I stick to it then it doesn't matter about anything else. I currently have over 100 unread books. And my wishlist keeps growing. After Christmas, I told myself that I could buy as many books as I wanted, but on January 1st I had to stop and read more before buying more. There are so many books on my shelf that I've had for years that I really need to get to. I know I won't eliminate my to be read shelf this year, but hopefully I'll make a big dent in it and then keep the number well away from hitting three digits again.

Did you set any resolutions?


  1. Great resolutions! I especially agree with the re reads one, I think I re read one book in the entirety of last year, that needs to change!

    1. I managed to re-read a few last year, and so far this year I've managed to re-read the first three books in the Lunar Chronicles. So that's definitely off to a good start!

  2. Great resolutions, I really want to write more discussion posts too and definitely review a great number of books. Nice post!!

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. Thanks! I've already failed at the buying fewer books though :( But I'm going to try it again throughout the rest of the year!


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